Wisdom teeth, located in the third molar, usually appear around 17 to 25 years old. It is possible to have up to four wisdom teeth, one in each quadrant of the mouth. It is very common the surgical procedure, by the dentist or oral surgeon because when they developing, they usually affect the other teeth, pushing them, and therefore, produce a strong pain. When this happens, wisdom teeth are extracted because it is likely to cause other dental problems, in addition to the fact that for now, it is the only remedy against the pain they cause when they come out.
The extraction of wisdom teeth is a surgical procedure to remove the wisdom teeth that are inside the oral cavity, there are the last four teeth, which are located at the top and bottom of the oral cavity. When there is an impacted wisdom tooth (that is, it does not have enough space to grow), there is a great possibility that it can cause a lot of pain to the patient and a series of dental problems, therefore, the most advisable thing to d is to extract it. Some dentists or oral surgeons always recommend the extraction of wisdom teeth, even if they are not currently causing problems. After the procedure is done, it will only take a few days for you.
If wisdom teeth are not removed in time, they can cause serious damage and problems to your other teeth. Because they are difficult to clean, they can be more vulnerable to tooth decay and gum or periodontal disease than your other teeth.
Some dentists recommend extracting wisdom teeth because most of the time, there is not enough room in the oral cavity, and they can cause problems. They can remain hidden in the gums if they are difficult to emerge normally, causing them to become trapped in the jawbone, which can lead to infections or can cause cysts that damage the roots of other teeth and supporting bone. It is also necessary to extract them when they partially emerge from the gum because they become difficult to clean, making oral hygiene difficult, since when they partially emerge, wisdom teeth create a passage, which generates a lot of bacteria, causing periodontal diseases and oral infections to appear. It is also necessary to extract wisdom teeth when they cause crowding of nearby teeth, as they do not have enough space to emerge properly.
Wisdom teeth extraction is absolutely necessary when there is pain, infections in the surrounding tissue, cysts or fluid-filled sacs, damage to nearby teeth (crowding), tumors, periodontal disease, and decay.
Many dentists considerer that the best age to extract wisdom teeth is when the person is young, the right time is when they being to emerge, between 17 and 25 years old, before the roots and bones can be fully formed, causing the recovery to be much faster and effective. For this reason, many people prefer to have their wisdom teeth being to cause problems.
The longer you wait to extract them, when the wisdom teeth are in position, would be taking an unnecessary risk, since it promotes crowding in the other teeth, which would cause a problem that would take longer to solve. In addition to the appearance of the wisdom tooth or third molar, can cause several problems, and the extraction is more difficult as the patient advances in age.
Impacted wisdom teeth are usually one of the most common problems since, during their eruption, they fail to erupt properly into the gum and become encysted. This usually occurs when there is not enough space in the oral cavity for the wisdom teeth to erupt properly.
If the patient has an impacted wisdom tooth, it must be removed immediately because it can bring serious consequences for oral health, such as infections around the impacted tooth, if the infection of the gums is not treated in time, it can pass to the bone. It also promotes tooth decay and infections in the teeth near the impacted wisdom tooth. The birth of cysts and headaches and facial pain. They also cause great pain, food gets trapped behind the impacted wisdom teeth and this can be very harmful to the other teeth.
Preventing wisdom teeth from becoming a serious health problem can prevent diseases and dental problems in the long run. Regular visits to the dentist are most necessary, they are the ones who will evaluate whether it is necessary to submit the patient to a wisdom tooth extraction intervention and help take measures to prevent the onset of pain and discomfort.
Although wisdom teeth are asymptomatic, that is, they do not cause problems, they are not free of diseases. If the dentist observes that the patient has no space in the oral cavity, they should ideally be removed before they appear. Ideally, people should have their wisdom teeth removed when they are young, as older adults may have difficulties or complications.
Wisdom teeth are coming out less and less frequently. The jaws of our ancestors were more developed than ours, so they could accommodate these molars without any problems. Studies say that the change to slightly softer teeth has meant that these molars are no longer as necessary as they used to be. And evolution has caused man’s features to soften, which means that there is not enough space for wisdom teeth to develop normally.
On top of that, much research has shown that when young children are given anesthetics for dental care procedures, the lower wisdom teeth often do not erupt. This suggests that the injections may deliberately stop the growth of these molars.
The dentist or oral surgeon is the indicated one to perform this intervention, and it is usually performed in an office or the hospital if the wisdom teeth are at risk of becoming complicated.
The dentist is the one who will decide if and when the surgery should be performed. Once the decision is made, the patient will proceed to the office on the scheduled day. Then the dentist or oral surgeon will proceed to apply a local anesthetic or general anesthesia, depending on how many wisdom teeth are removed at the same time. General anesthesia will help prevent pain throughout the body, sedating the patient completely. The patient usually should not eat or drink anything the day before the operation, so that he/she will be prepared when the anesthesia is administered.
At the time of surgery, the dentist or oral surgeon will proceed to open the surrounding tissue over the tooth, removing any bone that may cover it. The dentist will separate the tissue that will be connecting the tooth to the bone n order to remove the tooth. If the wisdom tooth is difficult to remove, the oral surgeon will probably cut the tooth into small pieces to facilitate the extraction process.
After the wisdom tooth has been extracted, stitches will be made to helo close the wound and the dentist will decide if it is necessary to remove them or the stitches, which are usually removed approximately 1 week later, or if they will dissolve with time.
It is common that in most cases recovery from wisdom tooth extraction surgery lasts only a couple of days. Each patient responds differently to anesthesia. Most people feel a little discomfort after surgery. Swelling will last about 3 days and the mouth will usually need a few weeks to fully heal. During the recovery process, a blood clot will form in the socket where the extracted tooth was lodged. The clot should remain in place to protect the nerves and bone. After two days, the socket will begin to fill with repair tissue, this tissue will form the basis for the growth of new bone tissue. Ideally, the patient should follow the instructions given by the dentist to the letter to promote a quick recovery, among which the following stand out:
Any surgical intervention may present a series of risks, and in the case of wisdom teeth removal, there is no exception
The dentist should make a panoramic view, to relieve the adjacent structures and thus assess the risks that may occur during and after surgery.
But if the patient presents difficulty in breathing or swallowing, fever, blood or pus in the nasal secretion, loss of sensitivity, if the swelling instead of going down after 2 or 3 days, gets worse, if analgesics do not help to relieve the pain or the pain gets worse, if there is excessive bleeding, if there is itching or rash or if there is persistent vomiting or nausea, you should immediately call your dentist or oral surgeon, since these symptoms indicate that there may be an infection or nerve damage.
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