WordPress database error: [Table 'pubwizzc_jimpactc_wp524.wppi_trp_slug_originals' doesn't exist]
SELECT DISTINCT so.original, st.translated, st.status, st.id FROM wppi_trp_slug_originals AS so JOIN wppi_trp_slug_translations AS st ON so.id = st.original_id WHERE st.language = 'it_IT' AND so.original IN ('periodontics')

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The definition of periodontics.

Among the most common causes of dental disease and dental loss are periodontal diseases. Due to a large number of patients with periodontal disease, there is a branch of dentistry dedicated to the treatment of gum and jawbone disease.

Periodontics is a specialty that is dedicated exclusively to treat those diseases that affect the gums, causing them to become inflamed and acquire a very red hue.

If the patient does not have proper oral hygiene, it is likely to accumulate tartar in the mouth, which causes dental plaque on the gums can cause them to become inflamed due to an infection called gingivitis.

If the patient notices that his or her gums are inflamed and very red and does not go to the dentist in time, it is likely that the gingivitis will become periodontitis, and periodontitis is the most serious disease that the periodontium can suffer.

If the patient has gingivitis many times it is likely that the patient is not aware of it since the symptoms are very mild. If the infection progress, it can become periodontitis, and this is very serious since periodontitis not only attacks the gums but also the bone that supports the tooth. So it is likely that the patient can lose the tooth at this stage of the infection.

Why is periodontics performed?

There are several periodontal diseases, however, one of the most common is gingivitis, which can later turn into periodontitis.

Generally, these periodontal diseases appear due to poor hygiene in the oral cavity, which allows a certain amount of bacteria to lodge in the gums, on top of the teeth, and over time cause inflammation, discomfort, or bleeding.

Although this is usually due to poor oral care. it can sometimes be caused by diseases, such as diabetes, or simple genetics.

Therefore, periodontitis is performed because it is necessary to maintain the oral integrity of the patient since these diseases can affect so much, that in the long run. If the patient does not take care of himself or herself, he or she may lose his or her natural teeth and will need to wear dentures.

What does periodontics consist of?

It is necessary for the patient to go to the dentist urgently because before any periodontal treatment it is necessary to check the state of the periodontium and the oral cavity in general.

After the dentist determines the stage of the periodontal disease, he/she will proceed to perform a technique that consists of craping and smoothing the tooth, in order to remove the tartar accumulated on the teeth and gums. The objective of this periodontal technique is to leave the tooth with tartar, totally clean and decontaminated. This treatment will be almost painless, but it can be a little uncomfortable for the patient, so it is usually performed under local anesthesia.

After the scaling treatment, sometimes the dentist will send the patient antibiotic treatments, in order to eliminate the infection of the periodontium.

If the periodontal disease is more advanced, it may be necessary to perform periodontal surgery, which will allow the specialist dentist to reach those areas that can not be reached with the normal scaling and planning technique. In order to perform periodontal surgery, it is necessary for the dentist to make a very small incision in the gum, and then remove it very carefully and proceed very carefully and proceed to scrape and smooth that hard-to-reach area.

When should you see a periodontist dentist?

We already know that periodontics is the branch of dentistry that treats all those pathologies related to the periodontium. Therefore, if you go to the dentist because of some kind of serious periodontal disease, and it is out of the general dentist’s hands to treat it, you will most likely be referred to a periodontist.

If you notice that your gums are strange, swollen, or red, it may indicate that you have some type of periodontal infection, which is usually caused by tartar build-up on top of the teeth and in the gums. This disease is usually gingivitis, and if not treated in time, it can lead to very serious consequences for the patient’s oral cavity. If you go to the dentist when you notice that something is wrong, it is possible that everything can be solved with a simple oral cleaning.

On the other hand, if you notice that your gums bleed easily or if they become extremely sensitive, it is also an indication that you need to see a periodontist.

If you have constant halitosis, it may be a sign that there is some type of infection in your teeth.

Similarly, if you feel a lot of unexplained pain when eating, you need to see a specialist dentist.

One of the symptoms of periodontitis is that the gums recede, therefore, if you notice recession in your gums, it is best to go to a specialist dentist as soon as possible.

Types of periodontal disease.

Most people, at some point in their lives, may suffer from some type of periodontal disease. Therefore, it is advised that when the patient notices that his or her gums are red or purple if there is pus, pain when chewing, or if they bleed spontaneously, go immediately to the periodontist since periodontitis can cause damage to the bone that supports the teeth.

  1. Gingivitis: 

Gingivitis is the most common form of periodontal disease. It occurs when there is a lack of good oral hygiene, as bacteria that are present inside the mouth, lodge in the gums or on top of the teeth, causing the appearance of dental tartar. Gingivitis can produce inflammation and redness in the gums, and can also make the gums very sensitive and bleed spontaneously, or when brushing and flossing.

  1. Mild periodontitis: 

Periodontitis appears when gingivitis has not been treated in time. If you are in this stage of periodontal disease, you may notice that your gums being to recede and your teeth may become loose.

Your dentist upon determining that you have mild periodontitis will proceed to deep clean all the pockets surrounding your teeth to prevent the infection from reaching the bone.

If you notice this happening, it is important to see your dentist immediately to avoid serious consequences such as loss of gums or damage to the bone that supports your teeth.

  1. Severe periodontitis:

Severe periodontitis is the largest form of periodontitis and can interfere very directly with the patient’s entire oral health.

Severe periodontitis is one that causes the soft tissues of the gums to recede so that there is no turning back and permanently compromises the bone that supports the teeth. At this stage of periodontal disease, it is necessary for the specialized dentist to perform both gum and bone grafting.

It has been discovered that severe periodontitis is usually a condition suffered by people of the same family group. Therefore it can be said that it is a disease that also goes in the genetics of each patient.

Prevention of periodontal diseases.

Most of the cases in which patients suffer from some type of the periodontal disease are due to a bad brushing technique and dental hygiene. Therefore it can be said that one of the most effective methods to prevent the appearance of periodontal disease is brushing.

It is advisable to use toothbrushes with soft bristles, in addition to following the dentist’s instructions to the letter, in order to perform a good tooth brushing technique.

It is also necessary to use dental floss after brushing.

The patient should visit the dentist regularly to avoid the appearance of any type of periodontal disease.

Causes periodontitis.

Periodontal diseases are caused by bacteria that accumulate inside the oral cavity. These bacteria usually lodge in the gums and on top of the teeth and most of the time their cause is due to poor oral hygiene, thus promoting their growth inside the teeth. In addition to being present in the gums and teeth, bacteria are also present in saliva and on the tongue.

Although poor hygiene can be one of the main causes of the appearance of periodontal disease in the patient, so can tobacco use, high levels of stress, diabetes, or pregnancy.

It is important to emphasize that for an eventuality or anything out of the ordinary, you should go to a dental clinic.

The dentist and the specialized dental staff will have a wide range of solutions to solve your problem. Do not wait for dental disease to advance, as it can be very harmful in the future, you could lose teeth and bone structure.

The dentists will be happy to assist you and relieve your pain, giving you the guarantee that you will leave the clinic better than you came in.


WordPress database error: [Table 'pubwizzc_jimpactc_wp524.wppi_trp_slug_originals' doesn't exist]
SELECT id, original FROM wppi_trp_slug_originals WHERE original IN ('periodontics')

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SELECT id, original FROM wppi_trp_slug_originals WHERE original IN ('periodontics')

WordPress database error: [Table 'pubwizzc_jimpactc_wp524.wppi_trp_slug_originals' doesn't exist]
SELECT DISTINCT translated, original, st.id, st.status FROM wppi_trp_slug_originals AS so JOIN wppi_trp_slug_translations AS st ON so.id = st.original_id WHERE st.language = '' AND st.translated IN ('periodontics')

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