WordPress database error: [Table 'pubwizzc_jimpactc_wp524.wppi_trp_slug_originals' doesn't exist]
SELECT DISTINCT so.original, st.translated, st.status, st.id FROM wppi_trp_slug_originals AS so JOIN wppi_trp_slug_translations AS st ON so.id = st.original_id WHERE st.language = 'it_IT' AND so.original IN ('endodontics')

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The importance of endodontics in dentistry.

Endodontics is the cranch of dentistry that deals with the study of the dental pulp and tissues adjacent to the root of the tooth.

Endodontics is one of the most popular procedures among dentists. It is a root canal treatment that is performed on the root of the tooth, in order to remove the entire pulp or dental nerve.

Endodontics is a dental treatment, which consists of removing the nerve of the tooth, in case it is injured or damaged in any way, in order to completely clean the tooth inside and then proceed to seal it with a material that is impermeable, to avoid bacteria. The tooth can survive without pulp when it reaches maturity.

The dental pulp is that which is found inside the canals of the teeth. The pulp is what gives the tooth its sensitivity.

Endodontics is one of the most difficult dental procedures since the pulp or nerve of the tooth is the one that contains all the blood vessels and nerves. The dental pulp is located in the crown of the tooth and the root of the tooth is located in the root canal.

Normally a root canal is performed when there is necrosis, that is when the pulp is dead, and being dead, it is possible to generate tooth decay and damage the teeth that are nearby, so it is extremely necessary to perform a dental root canal immediately. Endodontics can also be performed if there is some type of inflammation and infection that can no longer be cured. This occurs if the tooth has suffered some type of extremely serious damage, although there have been cases in which the tooth is completely asymptomatic.

In order to preserve the integrity of a tooth with pulp necrosis, it is pertinent to perform a root canal, and thus preserve all the natural teeth in the oral cavity.

Dental endodontics is extremely beneficial, since, in addition to preserving the natural tooth, it helps the surrounding bone and gum to regenerate.

It can be said that the main objective of endodontics is to preserve the natural tooth in order to prevent the patient from losing it and having to wear some type of dental prosthesis.

What is dental endodontics?

It can be said that dental endodontics is the procedure of removing the nerve of the tooth, and then proceed to clean the root canal, and then continue to fill this channel or duct, with any type of dental material that is impermeable, to prevent the emergence of new bacteria. Its objective is to clean the root canals.

In order to perform endodontics, it is necessary that the patient is placed in local anesthesia, anesthesia will only numb the area around the affected tooth. If there is any type of infection, it is necessary for the patient to take antibiotics prescribed by the dentist, to proceed correctly with the root canal treatment.

Then a small hole is made in the crown of the tooth to remove the pulp.

After cleaning very well the canal where the pulp was, at this time is performed what is known as root canal treatment.

Subsequently, the tooth is capped or sealed with some type of material that is impermeable and prevents access to bacteria.

Normally a root canal is performed in a single intervention on the same day. In order for the dentist to make sure that everything is going well, it is advisable to visit the dentist every time he/she requires it.

What causes the dental pulp to become inflamed or die?

Typically, patients who need root canal treatment come to the dental office because of tooth decay. Tooth decay destroys all the tissues of the tooth, due to the bacteria found in dental plaque. Tooth decay causes holes in the teeth. Then tooth decay is present, it can cause the tooth tissue to demineralize, causing part of the tooth to be lost and the pulp to be left without any protection.

It is known when the dental pulp is inflamed, when the patient feels high sensitivity in the teeth and a lot of pain, for no apparent reason.

Root canals can also be performed due to dental fillings. Dental fillings are those procedures whose primary objective is to eliminate decay by filling the part of the tooth that is compromised. In some cases, if fillings are performed too abruptly, it can cause the dental pulp to die.

Why is a dental root canal performed?

A dental root canal is usually performed when there is the presence of tooth decay, which converts sugars present in food into acids that cause small openings in the affected teeth, and these openings can affect the pulp of the tooth.

Dental endodontics can also be performed due to very strong blows, which prevent the tooth from being able to live properly inside the oral cavity.

If the tooth is very worn, due to time, it can cause the tooth to be damaged and a root canal may be necessary.

Similarly, it may also be necessary to perform a dental root canal, if the tooth was subjected to poorly performed treatments.

It is extremely important to perform dental endodontic treatments in the hands of a professional expert in its realization, in order to avoid a bad procedure that damages the dental cavity.

How to take care of the tooth after dental endodontics?

It is very important to maintain good oral hygiene, brushing the teeth, preferably with a soft-bristle toothbrush, after every meal, and flossing.

Patients will probably feel slight discomfort around the tooth that underwent root canal treatment for a couple of days.

If the pain is severe, the dentist may prescribe the patient to take painkillers.

The dentist may also recommend that the patient avoid eating very soft foods to avoid any discomfort.

Tips after having undergone a dental endodontic treatment.

Dental endodontic is a dental treatment that is based on extracting the dental pulp that is affected, then clean the tooth canal, then fill it with a special dental material, and finally seal it.

It is necessary to perform dental endodontics since the pulp contains all those nerve endings that make the tooth suffer great pain at the time of inflammation, or at the time of pulp necrosis.

After performing a root canal is advisable to follow a series of tips to preserve the health of the tooth.

First of all, the patient should wait for the local anesthesia to wear off completely to avoid any type of incident.

After the patient undergoes root canal treatment or endodontics, the tissue around the tooth is swollen and sensitive, so it is advisable to avoid chewing on that side.

Dental care should be the same. The patient should no forget to floss.

Endodntics or root canal treatment is the dental treatment that allows the tooth to recover, to protect the natural tooth, even though there is damage. Therefore it is extremely important to follow to the letter all the advice given by the dentist to the patient.

Importance of performing root canal treatment or endodontics.

It is very important to perform a root canal since this dental practice is the one that prevents dental infections and pulp damage, therefore is responsible for protecting the natural tooth.

In the dental pulp are nerves of the tooth and blood vessels. Therefore, if the dental pulp is affected in any way, it is possible that the person feels a lot of pain.

If the pain is exaggeratedly severe, either when eating cold, hot, or very hard foods, the dentist will probably recommend a root canal.

Root canal treatment or endodontics is performed in order to save the affected teeth, avoid an extraction, and therefore, prevent the patient from having to wear any type of dental prosthesis.

Is dental endodontics painful?

The answer is no, the realization of dental endodontics is not painful because before proceeding with the intervention, the dentist applies local anesthesia to the damaged tooth.

The patient may suffer a lot before dental endodontics because the dental pulp is inflamed, which makes chewing or eating food feel very strong pain.

Normally endodontics or root canal treatment works very well, but it is important that the patient undergoes this intervention in the hands of trained specialists to be able to perform the treatment.

If the first root canal treatment does not evolve as expected, the dentist may advise a second root canal or endodontic treatment.

How do you know if you need a root canal or endodontics?

You and your dentist will know if you need a root canal or endodontics if you have sudden severe pain in the affected tooth or the areas near the tooth; high sensitivity when eating hot or cold foods, discomfort when chewing, and change in the color of the tooth. Sometimes the patient may present fever.

Sometimes the patient may be completely asymptomatic, i.e., not feel any of the aforementioned discomforts.

When suffering from any of these ailments, it is necessary that you go to your trusted dentist, in order to perform the root canal treatment quickly, and effectively, since the primary objective is to protect the natural tooth.

After the patient undergoes root canal treatment or endodontics, you should avoid chewing food very hard, or avoid eating very hard food because the tooth is weakened and it is possible that the tooth is fractured.


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SELECT id, original FROM wppi_trp_slug_originals WHERE original IN ('endodontics')

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SELECT DISTINCT translated, original, st.id, st.status FROM wppi_trp_slug_originals AS so JOIN wppi_trp_slug_translations AS st ON so.id = st.original_id WHERE st.language = '' AND st.translated IN ('endodontics')

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